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We visualise your visions in the fields of
au­to­mo­tive de­sign, in­ter­face de­sign, UX de­sign and pro­duct de­sign

Our ex­perien­ced de­sign­ers help you with ideas and im­pl­ement your spe­ci­fic ideas.
Whe­ther it is au­to­mo­tive design, product design, cor­po­rate de­sign or de­sign co­n­sul­ting, our spec­trum ranges from hand sketches of 3D sur­face data and ren­der­ings to Class A sur­faces cre­ated with the re­quired 3D tools. For satis­factory re­sults at the high­est le­vel, we use ex­pert tools such as Auto­desk Show­case, Ma­xon Cine­ma 4D, Auto­desk Alias and Catia.

From the range of services

  • Corporate Design
  • Automotive Design
  • Product Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Interface Design
  • CAD Modelling
  • 3D visualisation
  • Strategy and Design Management
  • Advice and Support

Tools (Selection)

  • Autodesk Showcase
  • Maxon Cinema 4D
  • Autodesk Alias
  • Catia