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About us

Technophiles – we don’t lose sight of our goal

Our team of 12 em­plo­yees boasts the exper­tise of engi­neers, mech­anical engi­neers, soft­ware and elec­tronics deve­lopers, graduate de­signers, model ma­kers and mo­ti­va­ted crafts­men, all in one unit. Ex­per­tise is easily trans­ferred be­tween dis­ci­plines, ex­perts and young ta­lents. Thanks to the wide range of our abi­li­ties, we work in a goal-orien­ted man­ner in order to achieve opti­mum results. In this way we can master even the most com­plex and chal­len­ging tasks in no time at all.