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On course for growth from the outset

Engineers Sebastian Schnabel and Andreas Dornhof foun­ded GERMANEERS in 2009 at Schoberstraße 3 in Ingolstadt.

They were both pre­vious­ly em­ployed by an em­ployer in the auto­motive in­dus­try. Due to their com­bined wealth of ex­per­ience and good con­tacts, they quickly ac­quired orders and em­ployed two more em­plo­yees with­in the first year.

In 2010, more emplo­yees join­ed, and the buil­ding be­came too small. In 2011, they mo­ved into a cor­po­rate buil­ding close to In­gol­stadt with more space for ve­hicles and pro­fess­ion­als. The po­si­tive de­ve­lop­ment in per­son­nel and the build-up of expert know-how also con­tinued the next years. 

Since May 2021 GERMANEERS GmbH is part of VIA optronics AG.