GERMANEERS - An idea is good if you make something out of it


We try out the new­est tech­no­lo­gies on the hunt for the best so­lu­tions for the task.


Pro­duc­tion-orien­ta­ted, com­mer­cial and or­ga­ni­sa­tion­al pre­pa­ra­tion and eva­lu­at­ion in close con­sul­ta­tion with the cus­tomer.


We visua­lise your vi­sions in the fields of au­to­mo­tive de­sign, in­ter­face de­sign, UX de­sign and pro­duct de­sign.


Con­cep­tion, de­sign and de­tail­ed con­struc­tion - from sim­ple 2D parts to com­plex 3D as­sem­blies.

Model Making & Prototyping

Model ma­king and pro­to­ty­ping with all the ex­tras - ac­cur­ate, fast and first-class qua­li­ty. Very few can of­fer that!

Electronics Development

High-end el­ec­tro­nics for ve­hi­cles, me­di­cal tech­no­lo­gy, vi­deo, ima­ge pro­ces­sing, mea­sure­ment tech­no­lo­gy, sen­sor tech­no­lo­gy and con­trol tech­no­lo­gy

Software Development

Our soft­wa­re de­ve­lo­pers im­ple­ment vi­sions of the fu­ture on PC and em­bed­ded plat­forms.

Optics/Lighting Engineering

In­di­vi­dual com­pon­ents and as­sem­blies from in­di­vi­dual light gui­des and pre­ci­sion mir­rors, to the head­light and light­ing sys­tems.


Fu­sing the as­sem­blies to a pro­duct, com­mis­sion­ing and ap­pro­val tes­ting for de­li­ve­ry.

On-site support

On re­quest, ex­per­ien­ced tech­ni­cians will en­sure the smooth run­ning of trade fairs and events at home and abroad.