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Product Development -
as varied as the needs of our cus­to­mers

Want a spe­cial dis­play con­trol with or with­out image pro­cess­ing logic (image sec­tions, alpha blen­ding, white ba­lance, FRC or gamma correction)? Rou­ting Gate­ways (CAN, Flexray, MOST or ETH)? Inter­es­ted in cus­to­mised touch­screen so­lu­tions? -
No pro­blem!

We are your point of contact for ve­hicle elec­tronics, test equip­ment, con­su­mer elec­tro­nics, and demo and ex­hi­bi­tion stands. We tinker, test and de­velop new ideas. For example, for medical tech­no­lo­gy, elec­tro­nics manu­fac­turers and manu­fac­tur­ers of ve­hicles, special ve­hicles, ex­clusive ve­hicles or special pro­tec­tion ve­hicles. And maybe soon for you, too?