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Automotive Engineering


In­te­gra­tion and con­ver­sion of pro­to­types and tech­no­lo­gy sup­port ve­hicles, ex­hi­bi­tion and show ve­hicles, spe­cial and ex­clu­sive ve­hicles

Be it in­terior, ex­terior, ve­hicle elec­tro­nics or ve­hicle me­cha­nics, from the retro­fit­ting of indi­vid­ual com­po­nents to the com­plete in­stal­la­tion of show or ex­hi­bi­tion ve­hicles, our ex­per­ien­ced ve­hicle tech­ni­cians meet all re­quire­ments quick­ly and reliab­ly. Mo­dern test­ing and diagnos­tic tools, spe­cial equip­ment and quali­fied emplo­yees guaran­tee per­fect work re­sults.

For pro­to­types and tech­no­lo­gy sup­port ve­hicles, we take on the cre­ation of cus­to­mised wir­ing har­nes­ses, the pro­duc­tion of me­chan­ical com­po­nents and the in­te­gra­tion of pro­to­type parts - in­clu­ding adap­ta­tion and con­nec­tion to CAN, MOST and Flexray, the in­te­gra­tion of simul­ation and measure­ment tech­no­lo­gy and the cons­truc­tion of com­plete test ve­hicles. In col­labora­tion with our model making depart­ment, we also specia­lise in spe­cial and ex­clu­sive ve­hicles and the cons­truc­tion of ex­hi­bi­tion and show ve­hicles.

From the range of services

  • Prototypical vehicle integration
  • Construction of technology support vehicles
  • Networking vehicle systems
  • Planning, con­struc­tion and in­te­gra­tion of wir­ing harnes­ses in ac­cor­dance with cus­tomer re­quire­ments
  • Adaptation to bus systems (CAN, MOST, Flexray)
  • Residual Bus Simulation
  • Integration and connection of sample components
  • Construction of exhibition vehicles
  • Integration of measurement technology
  • Integration and optimisation of driver assistance systems
  • Conversion of special vehicles
  • Finishing of exclusive vehicles