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Con­cep­tion, de­sign and de­tailed con­struc­tion -
from sim­ple 2D parts to com­plex 3D assem­blies

GERMANEERS pro­vides pro­duc­tion-orien­ted con­struc­tion of elec­tro­me­chani­cal com­po­nents, kine­ma­tic sys­tems and light­weight cons­truc­tion for the ve­hicle body. The con­cep­tion, de­sign and de­tailed con­struc­tion from simple 2D parts to complex 3D assem­blies is one of our daily tasks. Our special­ists have ex­ten­sive know­ledge and special­ist know-how in the de­sign and con­struc­tion of body parts, in­terior com­po­nents and ki­ne­ma­tic sys­tems, in­clu­ding mo­tion ana­ly­sis, cas­ting, mil­ling and drawn com­po­nents, design sur­fa­ces and light­weight com­po­nents in the ve­hicle and the interior.

From the range of services

  • Body (from preliminary development to production run)
  • Lightweight construction for the vehicle body
  • Freeform design and strack surfaces in prototype quality
  • Castings and Design
  • Folding parts
  • Interior and modules
  • Prototypes
  • Wiring
  • Kinematic Design and Motion Analysis
  • DMU analysis
  • Macro programming with CATIA V5

Tools (Selection)

  • Autosketch
  • Rhino
  • SolidWorks
  • CATIA V5