Optics/Lighting Engineering

In­di­vidual com­po­nents and as­sem­blies from in­di­vidual light guides and pre­ci­sion mir­rors, to the head­light and light­ing sys­tems

GERMANEERS is a sought-after de­ve­lop­ment ser­vice pro­vi­der when it comes to the pro­to­typ­ing of opt­ical sys­tems. In col­labo­ra­tion with our optics ex­perts, we can com­pute, de­sign and pro­duce high­ly com­plex op­ti­cal sys­tems. Whe­ther it is in­di­vi­dual op­ti­cal com­po­nents, head­light sys­tems, com­plex mir­ror and lens sys­tems e.g. in the HUD or opti­cal fib­res in the in­ter­ior.

For opti­cal appl­ica­tions, we pro­du­ce pro­to­typ­ical mirr­ors and len­ses ac­cor­ding to indi­vidual re­quire­ments, for ex­am­ple, to be used in the HUD or Slide Mas­ter. In the pro­duction of head­light sys­tems, headl­ight len­ses and re­flec­tors, we rely on a high-preci­sion 5-axis mil­ling ma­chine. In the field of light­ing engine­ering, customers appre­ciate our ex­pert know-how in the com­pu­ta­tion, pro­duc­tion and fibre optic de­sign and con­struc­tion of com­plex light­ing en­gineer­ing mo­dul­es.

From the range of services

  • Planning and design of mirror and lens systems
  • Computation and design of reflectors
  • Planning and design of headlight systems
  • Construction of lighting elements
  • Production of optical fibres using special materials
  • Design and production of projection systems